People not on this site yet

Where’s big hands?

get him on here plz

who else?

I know he knows about it, Jack told him and me about it at the same time…hes just a lazy bastard lol. Choda isnt on yet either, nor is Choko (to my knowlage).

wheres prestegious mustang ? lol …

Choda is on it.
Big Hands is aware of it… but Mark is a busy guy. I’m pretty sure everyone on the barf is aware of the site… and little fuckers like Joe can’t get enough of the good stuff so he comes on here and bashes the site… but posts when he has something to show off.

I have been wondering where BjsOdDjoBs has been, did someone forhet to invite him!!OMG!



Reading two forums that are basically the same is getting old, IMO… :gotme:

^^^…word…i don’t really look on ubrf much anymore…only when i’m at work…

Kinda like changing parking lots, and expecting… Whoa, we can hang out at this parking lot they got the best Bubble Tea, errrr tacos, errr milkshakes evaR.

Make ubrf the NYSPEED off topic forum.:lol:

maybe we should start another one. :rofl:

I stopped reading UBRF as soon as this site went up. Why are you still waisting your time there?

Because all of the people that actively participate in legalized motorsports post there.

Here, on the other hand, I waist time watching night vision videos.

:word: the only time i’ve checked ubrf was when i got a random pm from someone who wasnt on thsi board yet… don’t even bother going there :slight_smile:

All of who? Make me a list of people who are only on UBRF and are active posters who participate in “legalized motorsports.”

That should give you something productive to do with your time besides wasting it watching my vids which, by-the-way, no one tied you down and made you watch.

i havent been on UBRF since i was banned, and frankley if your on the barf and you know what really happen, then “for this i ashame you”

either nyspeed or barf in my opnion, cant be both.

also i have strong feelings about this, so if you dont agree, well, i dont care :stuck_out_tongue: :smiley:

yea i dont really read UBRF anymore, just answer PM’s

i really dont like UBRF, havnt for about 2 years… which is why alot of people thought i moved

only time i read ubrf in the last couple months was when i was linked to the fastmofo/smith thread and also the fastmofo/bighands callout :gotme:

I just assumed they thought I was too good for them and that’s why they banned me. Well, other than you know, saying some things.