I prefer Pepsi with pizza and wings and most other crap food but Coke is more refreshing.
Pepsi > Coke
Diet Coke > Diet Pepsi
Say it ain’t so, Fry…
Meh. It’s not like I’m allegiant to either. It’s kind of like saying I prefer cats to ugly chicks. It may be true, but my ultimate choice is neither.
Looks like Pepsi is winning, as usual.
pepsi is so acidic.
my girly little throat can’t take it.
I <3 teh coke
Coke is actually more acidic
I like pepsi more than coke but I like all of cokes byproducts more
Diet Pepsi>Diet coke
Sprite>Sierra Mist
anyone try pepsi over seas?
they use real sugar instead of high fructose corn syrup and man is that flavor different. where as coke is the same no matter where you go… or at least has been where i’ve been
pepsi > coke
but, vanilla coke > *
anyone try pepsi over seas?
they use real sugar instead of high fructose corn syrup and man is that flavor different. where as coke is the same no matter where you go… or at least has been where i’ve been
Yeah, it’s not that much different but it’s a little better.
I never really drink either, but if its out of a can/bottle pepsi>coke.
If its out of a fountain its a toss up.
Pepsi > Coke
Vanilla Coke > Pepsi Vanilla
Cherry Coke > Wild Cherry Pepsi
love the pepsi it has more flavor than coke but i love vanilla coke.
does anyone know y they stopped making vanilla coke?? i saw it make a comeback late summer for like a month where everyplace stocked it but they are all gone now and no one has it
pepsi is WAY better then coke. i dont know why but it is better x billions
soda blows
guess what i voted for
I was told that pepsi is really popular on the east coast and coke is big out west.:gotme:
Anyway,I drink diet.
Pepsi One > Diet Pepsi > Diet Coke
anyone try pepsi over seas?
they use real sugar instead of high fructose corn syrup and man is that flavor different. where as coke is the same no matter where you go… or at least has been where i’ve been
i had pepsi X in the philippines… an “energy pepsi”