Pet Squirrel?


very cute but why is that 55secs into the vid he tries to finger the poor little thing?


i was thinking the exact same thing he was sure fond of the poor little guys private parts.

[quote=“Pass McGrass,post:20,topic:24073"”]

Pretty much just caught one and domesticated it. We actually found it underneath a nest that we’d known was there for a while. It was just a little older than an infant, and we think that the mother suspected it had some health problems and booted it from the nest. We had it for about 2 years.

God I miss that thing.


THATS THE SADDEST STORY I’VE EVER HEARD. if i didnt have two full blenders full of boozie smoothies, i would still congradulate you for saving a life of a beautiful animal…i have sat and watched squirrels for years WISHING i could have one of my own

My friend had one as a pet for almosta year and a half. He found it when it was a newborn. He nursed to health and it was his pet until he moved out of his apartment. His girlfriend put it in a box to take over to the new house and mixed it up with all teh other boxes, she forgot about it and it died in the box. It was cool as hell though, it would sit on his shoulder all day.


My friend had one as a pet for almosta year and a half. He found it when it was a newborn. He nursed to health and it was his pet until he moved out of his apartment. His girlfriend put it in a box to take over to the new house and mixed it up with all teh other boxes, she forgot about it and it died in the box. It was cool as hell though, it would sit on his shoulder all day.


What. The. Hell. :bloated:

Do they shit all over the place? like, how do they not shit on you lol

my friend had one… it was a baby when i used to play with it so it would just hide in my shirt…

i was always afraid that when it got bigger that it would attack me… and she did too…so she let it go.


that animal isnt drunk, it has a neurological problem. It shows many of the obvious signs, it has a head tilt, its losing control of its mobility, and the walking around in circles. I work with one of the few animal neurologists in this country.


Agreed, strokes can cause this as well. I’ve heard of but never got proof of rabies causing similar symptoms.

My girlfriend has 2 sugar gliders, they just had joeys 2 weeks ago, I’ll see if I can get pics from her. They’re pretty cool and like to chill out in your hoodie and poke their head out. Really sociable and would rather stay on your shoulder then run away.

I’ll see if she can send some pics my way while I’m at work

when i was in high school i had a pet squirrel, a freind of mine did tree work , knocked the nest down and kill all but one, so we built a big cage for it(was a baby at the time) in the garage and it got pretty healthy

after a few months it was pretty used to use to the point where i could stick my arm in the cage and it would run up it

it loved to sit on top of my hat and just hang out, was a dam cool pet, only thing that sucked is the cats wante dot eat him lol

ended up we had to go on vacation, let a friend watch it, and he got crushed and died :frowning:


Do they shit all over the place? like, how do they not shit on you lol


they’re a lot like you in some respects, howie. they eat a lot of nuts. so their shit isn’t too terrible- sorta like a pellet.

the sugar gliders smell HORRIBLE. Especially if your roommate is lazy and broke and cant afford wood chips or to get their glands removed.


when i was in high school i had a pet squirrel, a freind of mine did tree work , knocked the nest down and kill all but one, so we built a big cage for it(was a baby at the time) in the garage and it got pretty healthy

after a few months it was pretty used to use to the point where i could stick my arm in the cage and it would run up it

it loved to sit on top of my hat and just hang out, was a dam cool pet, only thing that sucked is the cats wante dot eat him lol

ended up we had to go on vacation, let a friend watch it, and he got crushed and died :frowning:


your friend crushes animals?


the sugar gliders smell HORRIBLE. Especially if your roommate is lazy and broke and cant afford wood chips or to get their glands removed.


Must not be a sugar glider. Flying squirrels and gliders are completley different. Gliders are small, sleep in pouches, poop little odorless pellets and yes they pee, but it takes quite a bit before it starts to smell, so if they ARE gliders, they aren’t being taken care of or their pouches/cages arent being cleaned. I’ve never met anyone that uses woodships either, that may be in pary why it’s smelling so bad, it soaks it up and amplifys the smell.

P.S. Some pics of our gliders ;

1 Day old ( Peeka and Boo’s newborn) This is actually a twin, there’s two, and this is their second set of joeys.

thats fucking cute

My sugargliders were cool as hell but they need a lot of attention and can be a lot of work.


This is really cool. Kind of amazing considering how incredibly timid these things are.


is that Butch?


that animal isnt drunk, it has a neurological problem.


I disagree, i think the squirl just has 2 short right legs. Circles are inevitable

I have a Chinchilla… basically a squirrel, rabbit and big mouse combo lol


I have a Chinchilla… basically a squirrel, rabbit and big mouse combo lol


I used to have one. They are awesome but a pain in the ass if they want to run off. I think the Flopso Rabbit we had was the coolest. He used to just chill… explore a bit… chill some more… but every once in a while he would snap and tear through the house, into the room we were in, (literally) bounce off the wall, do a flip, and tear right out again… he was a freak but thats why we got along

Yeah ours likes to leap onto the wall and do back flips. He definitely is a spaz