Petition to permaban autooutcast

That’s why we have RapeHatch, etc.

It will happen again.

But then again, so will our entertainment :thumb

i really think we need to permaban for good on all accounts. surely in 2010 there is a way to get that done. This is NOT the beginning of the internet.

oh and kramer… +rep if i can homie.

Well done. You guys make me proud.

I think the best solution is ban NH’s (or whatever state he’s in) complete IP range :rofl

Ive just never found him as amusing as the king of fail.

You know you’re having a bad internet day when 50 people petition to ban you. Only a pie chart is worse.

We need mo4r charts!

But yeah + rep for the comment :lol

Lmao. Strong work fellas, and ladies

wow man shift can barely get a gettogether done but when it comes to this we all in on it lololol …

rofl. nice job.

He’ll be back

  1. kramerbuccs24*
  2. ninety1two40
  3. bennyfizzle*
  4. Wayne64SS
  5. Germanpsi
  6. TracEy
  7. Psi2high
  8. Cossey
  9. Dc2Nick
  10. Underboosted
  11. K20power
  12. 6spd eg
  13. 91teg
  14. SlackJ94
  15. JClark*
  16. Mike
  17. JohnnyK
  18. boostcreep
  19. NickAlero
  20. G60
  21. Yo Delprad
  22. ST4TUS
  23. 20wrx09
  25. Norwood
  26. Sully93vr4
  27. GTI Starr
  28. SRS BZNS
  29. GD3Skier
  30. deadbeatrec
  31. ReDevil
  32. 99FRC
  33. Murrdog9000
  34. AlpineSkiier
  35. slwrthnu*
  36. JRubinoy
  37. DFDrocks247365
  38. 94gt5.0
  39. swaiknow*
  40. cazwrx187*
  42. Shapes*
  43. MK4 30R
  44. usmc2801*
  45. Dragndoor
  46. Justin Case
  47. Duuka
  48. 97Cavy
  49. Dread
  50. Uncle Infiniti
  51. JVG

yeah, pretending not to be him like he’s done before, the whole having a '97 Neon thing and screen name. Just another failvis lie.

Yea, I can’t get on Oprah :frowning:

this is hilarious

Yeah I ninja edited it to make it legit, but you fuckers were way too fast hitting the reply button and caught it! ROFL.

That was a productive day, people… Back to work noaw.

Tom Cruise is banned too :frowning:

even though he had his own email and IP address

I know its becasue someone didnt think the guest stars were funny. Becasue I know Mr. Phil and he said his internet provider and e-mail address were unique. minus the fact that his e-mail address was very similar to my work e-mail address !!!

rofl. that didnt take long at all.