Petition to permaban autooutcast

if he goes through all the trouble of resetting his IP, and/or spoofing his mac just to get back…that’s sad.

its Travis dude.

Did some digging, can’t really ban by MAC, least not easily. You can use a combination of IP and cookie banning.

Ban his users and IPs and each time one of those access the forum save a cookie to their computer. Anytime ANYONE logs in check for the cookie, if its there, auto ban that IP and user. Also, if a banned IP shows up and they don’t have the cookie, give it to him.

The only way around it would be to delete his cookies after every post AND spoof IP. And once we realize a spoofed IP is him, just ban that too.

There is no perfect way to ban someone (sadly), but that way will take the most work to get around.

Actually… Your MAC isn’t translated “into” the internet via tcp/ip so it can’t be banned.

But there are ways of getting it. ActiveX, Java, etc, but it requires something to be installed.
Do able, but not really ethical.

If we’re doing that we might as well remote in and delete his system32 :rofl

its HILARIOUS that he feels the need to keep coming back on here

This thread WAS hilarious… then all the nerds started posting their computer know-how rubbish…

Nah…if I were to gain access to his computer (not saying I can, because I can’t, I’m a programmer, not a hacker) I’d make a startup script that set his homepage to


Lock it up.

Don’t be hating. Computer nerds invented the ECU and EFI.

:rofl All of which have given me nothing but problems, ya jerks!



Time for some carb’d goodness

I think as much as we all can be dick heads to each other, it takes a special skill to get banned… The same type of skills as crashing your motorcycle like a jerk, burning your car to the ground, and not paying your bills.

And I LOVE fucking grilled cheese.

Whats the motorcycle story?

he ran into some old woman or something, idk

He crashed the motorcycle into the bushes or whatever on Kinns rd.

Funny, he used to work at a place I contract to… He was “permabanned” from them as well, I think.

I heard the motorcycle shit was 100% all his fault… no questions asked, and he tried suing some old woman who was unfortunate enough to be in the general vicinity of his stank breath.