Petition to start a private prn section

I’ve always wanted to run my own website but I could never decide on a purpose. Blog? Boring. Photo hosting? Waste of money. Forum? Cool idea, but like Vlad said, $$$ to run successfully.

Don’t forget dedicated time, good timing and a bit of luck.

All of those are required for any web venture.

It’s like Vlad’s child. I offered to go in awhile back but he wasn’t interested.

I was going to edit in time, effort & hard work but you beat me to it. :lol

Don’t forget to add random rules in your free time as well. Gotta factor that in!!

Daily users should donate 5 dollars a month. Sign me up.

On another forum I used to frequent, there was a hyperlink bar at the top of the screen where users could donate to the site through paypal. They raised thousands…

would not be opposed to this.

It’ll keep the rif raff out too. DO IT VLAD!

Why would Vlad have people donate? So more people can bitch if/when they get banned then bitch that mods can’t do that because they’re paying to be here? Vlad’s not dumb and has thought of all options, but some things are just not feasible.

I haven’t liked the forum all that much lately because of all the people bitching about this and that and how the forum is run and when rules are enforced. It’s annoying as fuck and people need to grow up.

Pretty sure we could get a sponsored by Redline and go nuts there.

Couldn’t have said it better myself.

(seriously, tried it and couldn’t do it)


Don’t we do this about once a year?

Have been frustrated the past two days due to the org running this track event, the people in my run group, a coil going bad on cyl #4 (luckily that was easy to fix) and just being tired as fuck. Glad it didn’t come out too offensive.