Shift518: Lurkers FTL

Is there any way to make it so you have to register and log-in in order to read posts? I think it’s sketchy that people can just come on here and read what we write without us knowing.

Just a thought.

x2 im on other forums in which thats the case. there reasoning is since people see pics of their cars posted, they end up getting jacked.

I made a thread about this before.+1!

Currently Active Users: 38 (30 members and 8 guests)

At midnight. I can only imagine the #'s during peak hours.

I also said that. Around 2ish am. Thier are usually the same amount of members as guests.

x3 fuck em.

If they’re too lazy to join this forum and log in to read posts then they don’t belong on here anyways. I also say delete accounts with no posts after x amount of days (not accounts with posts that are inactive but rather people who sign up but dont contribute).

Think of it like the lot. It was open to everyone and look what happened to that.

lets E-Fuck them up

^ what he said.

Now we still have the same amount of members and 3 more guests.

good idea, agreed.

We should put it to a vote or somthing? I vote you must register to be on site.

Even if they join, I still feel there should be an intro section that they can see until they have a certain amount of posts. The lurkers can simply join and lurk even more.

also a good point. the lurking is gay because of all the clowns/ possible narcs on here

no skin off my nose, i dont post info or many pics about my stuff.

I think a vouch system would be nice

I guarantee the clowns that go to the lot and others that we see and make fun of/talk about because of their stupid acts, lurk on here. There are so many people that I meet that are good people and refer to “Shift518” and they say “Oh yeah, I browse there once in a while”

Good points. It would be ideal to make an intro section, and then after that set privileges to allow them to browse more of the forum (SRS excluded).

I don’t mind posting pictures and what not on other forums, but since this is so localized I believe it would be a good idea to keep the riff raff from being able to see certain things on here without us knowing who they are first.

hey fag, i mean chris07SS search before you make new threads. i already made a thread titled “Recent Guest Activity” and your thread will end up in the dumpster. k thnx.

hey dickhead, not all of us have enough free time to sit around and search on forums all day. k thnx.