
all of you can STFU…
you’ll know when i go away cause your ass will stop hurting so much,
and yes I am implying that my post are mature in nature, since this forum is call “Mature in nature posts” WTF do you care if they are mature or not, do you have somthing against immature people/posts, or are you self consious of your own immatureaties, hmmm
Brian is not playing with a future kill by any means, hes just jumping at the bait hanging from a tree like the big teddy bear he is.
sit back, watch your after school specials and come on back and attempt to apply them to real life.

where the fuck is that diaf gif at when u need it

thank you brian!!! first-bass, do that!!!

SS go fuck yourself, springdainian crotch stain, whats wrong with you anyways, drinking to much riverwater? or were you concieved down by the power plan.
-Your gay
-Your car sux
Your like a wolf who waits around until you see OTHER wolves on the attack.
you cant hold your own and welfare just cut your check so now your taking it out on me.
Look dude seriously im soory that the stopped passing out methodone down by subway, Shit I guess youll have to go back to sucking dick to support your habit, you FAG!
Walk down to the frosty mug chug a few beers suck a few queers and go shoot yourself…:reloading


first im a mexican on this board, now im gay, concieved near a power plant, im on meth, and i suck dick?

this board is hilarous, how long did it take you to type all of that??

first bass?? where u the little wigger kid that was always made fun of in highschool? the one that always got beat up? the one that was in love with the prom queen but didnt knew u were alive? soo now, you have to be some idiot with a keyboard, and do ntohing with ur time but go into e fighting, and make stupid post all the time?? wtf get a life, the reason i “joined” this attack, is b/c i hardly ever check e fighting, and i saw u were still making these dumb post. i thought u finally gave up, and realized nobody cares about you, guess i thought wrong


I still haven’t seen this ls(slow) and still waiting, now I have to beat up two bowties…you and quik

You all suck at the e-fight…

i do,but not at wal-mart

yes you can try a shot at me, in time in time my son

you get that bottle filled yet? Your gonna need it for me

oh snap. :to lazy to look for the lil animation where the black guy says that when the chick kissed that dude:

:confused: So take your computer to wal mart?

no whoop ur candy ass at wal-mart!


yup,u would be out cold