
he really sucks at e-fighting!!! hahahaha

i tell u what u little fucking :tool: bag meet me on the park way,im in no mood bring it little bitch boy!!!

^^ Just wait…

this kid was talking shit on you all day.

hahaha…burny…i cant wait till thats done monday…hahahahahaha lol

i will meet u on the park way…when i get my car…dont worry pewter

dont get all mad cause u suck at e-fighting like u suck quicks nuts!!

How about we wait till u turn 18 and then beat the shit out of u then let pooter ass fuck u on camera and mail it to ur house!


Deliverance you

this kid is like 11 years old… wtf is going on here… man brian was skull fucking bigger faggots then you when you were still sucking on your moms nipple.

true,i see where his faggotee comes from if he works with fish-ass ,lame :weak: & unworthy

of course he was skull fuckin faggots when i was young…thats cause brians old enough to b my grandpa!!!

/ ur lame

is that all u say is lame…every e-fight u pop in an say that someeone is lame…mabey that was the cool sayin back in the early 40’s but comeon now

Lame oh yes It is… :zzz:


why do u attempt to make stupid boring efight threads and post

he’s trying to fit in like first -bass,but never will

heck ya, does first-bass fit in? :rofl: j/k

he does ?