Phantom Boost Gauge And Volts Gauge

They were in a car I picked up, have no use for em they are in a pod 35 for both or 20 each pod 15

Make me an offer get this outta here please

what kind of car is this for?

do you have all the associated hardware for the boost gauge? (ie…vaccuum lines, wire leads for backlighting)

I have the wire leads and boost hose lead boost hose lead is about foot n a half long wires are about a foot

joe what size is the boost gauge

I dunno regular size lol its not one of those huge ones if thats what ur asking regular size that would go into a pod

BUMP, offers?


no thanks, too low

You said make an offer… I think it’s the highest one so far :wink:

25 for just the volt gauge =)

PM sent

what do you want for the pod?

15? , gauges ill let go for 20 each or 35 if u want both come get these things!!!

i texted you like 15 times!!!

lol im glad youll take 20 now cause i still want it

lol didnt get one txt from you