|PHOTO| Shots of the Lotus Exige

Personally I like the first shot a lot, other scenery would just give a different feel to the picture.

Nics pics… :tup:

OH, you mean the spot I used on 11/28/2006!!!



Awesome pics Micah.

^ haha on the spot call-out.

looks good micah. btw, i didn’t have my phone on me yesterday. I’m available this evening if you wish to stop by.

I like how dirty and down to earth this one is


The cobble stone pics look like a toy car.

Nice pics.

awesome pics.

nice textures… i like the cobblestone :tup:


I need to get off my ass and start taking pics again.

forget the car whos the passenger? :slight_smile:

nice pics
that IMO is the best color for the exige

where is “that spot”
or is it a secret