Lotus Exige S240 photos

stupid busy at work so i’m slacking on getting them all edited, but i did a couple really quick, and i’ll let you know when the others are done - enjoy these 3 for now
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2nd pic is hot, first pic, the rear of the car looks like its jacked wayyyy off the ground.

probably because the diffuser is hard to see.

Thanks kyle. :slight_smile:

Oh, and thx for detailing it, layzie.


[14:39] layzie298: dude who detailed that car
[14:39] layzie298: it looks sick
[14:39] TyrannosaurusCuv: was filthy and streaky
[14:39] TyrannosaurusCuv: i photoshopped it clean

so sick

awesome pictures…

you should come take some of mine when it’s done

Layzie298 (2:40:30 PM): LIES!!!
Layzie298 (2:40:38 PM): i was about to say nice pics but now im not
TyrannosaurusCuv (2:40:44 PM): :stuck_out_tongue:

Looks amazing, i was going to say it looks almost too clean.

Looks good :tup:

detail my car before blown euros…



Hawt :tup:

The tires are dirty…get better at cleaning cars for pics!

i see no HELLA HORNS yo

good thing they were otherwise you couldn’t see em.



Whats the deal with those wheels?

Why do they use them on every Lotus?

They are on every exige and only track pack elises.

I like them a lot, though. I also really like these cup car wheels:
