Show off your Car!

Alright. I looked around the site and there wasn’t a thread that people could show off their cars at their best. Post your car here so everyone can see them. It doesn’t matter if your car is modded or not, just post the best pictures of them that you have. Please don’t take this off topic and start talking about irrelevant things so it can hopefully get stickied one day and everyone can enjoy all the pretty cars this site has to offer. It’ll also be nice when we see each other on the road and know your car from here.

Ill start it off.

By Baby :slight_smile: Tamar

the reason you cant find that thread is because it is in the members only section. expect this thread to either be moved or locked.

ps. nice car

i see u around the corner all the time lol

No one “shows off thier car” here because we don’t want any douche knubes figuring out what we have, and then stealing it at night. And don’t say it can’t possibly happen, it has.

alright I didnt wanna start talkin about other things… whyyyy cant u pm. but you really think that just because the picture is on ehre there gonna steal it. If there going to take it there going to take it. This forum isnt going to help them any. no adress no plates. … laree which corner.

just for fun i did a little search and i found…

now if i wanted to steal your car (which i dont) i know the area it is likely located and a phonenumber. :slight_smile:

and what would you do with that? look at every house near that area and hope I dont park in the garage. I can guarentee you I don’t live on the corner beside the gas station on markham and 16 :wink:

i know, it was just an example.

I Guess i’ll play along to. Not much to show off but thats how it sits now

lol thats slick, wasn’t the red rim in the back>?

sometimes the tires spin to much and you have to rotate them so you get even tread wear lol

Killa_snake i love your rims what are they?

Hopefully will post pics next week with the new 240.

This year money goes to aero and purley suspenion and proper fitment of the wheels. Next year bye bye tremclad:) Im sick of that red. Btw thats not me in the pic…im a wonderbread kid.

how many crayons did it take to do your whole dash?

Just one actually…I had it surgically removed from my brain out of my nose days after finishing the dash/panels.

nice paint, the 2 tone looks nice with about 70 coats of wax

My car,soon ot be a type x body peices once its painted it will look alot better …only 1 other 240 on here i have seen i know has the same thing as i want,anyways here it is last summer…i miss dirving go away winter!


roy rainey… or i think thats you. u came by my place before and asked for parts… oil pan i believe.

Oh yea ahah. When i looked at the pan it was a tiny crack I welded it no need for a new one. The rims are ARE… the previous owner got them, I want to change them but everyone tells me im stupid if I do.

Damn those cars look sexy

I forgot to say you guys want to rub off your plates.

“omg omg my soon to be car, it will be the sickest car in canada, the only one with a nismo sticker!”