Photography Meet!

-ISO 100 or lowest camera will allow.
-Set your f-stop to the lowest number the lens will allow.
-A zoom in the 100-150mm range.
-Set shutter speed accordingly.
-Post results.

Thanks KB for the tips!! I will try those out!

new pics of cobra, ready… GO!

I’m on it Wayne!! Want some sunnier weather! :slight_smile:

bring your camera tonight homo, you can practice on the “guts”.


Come on pick a date already! This will be a good excuse to knock some dust of my camera.

Its a great excuse for me to keep searching for my charger…

I’m very much a novice photographer at best. Like to learn more though!

dust…i wish that was the only thing covering my camera!!! lol

Your is under all those woot boxes and NOS bottles. I saw it when I was there.

yupp…you caught me!! lol

So has anyone picked a date for this yet? I work saturdays but have sun-mon off, so I’m hoping it’s on one of my days off, or late enough on sat that I can make it.

Ok, so lets set the date to Sun May 2nd. Now as far as a location where we can meet. There are the obvious state parks which are always great for all sorts of different photography.

Thatcher Park
Mine Kill Park
Saratoga Park
Plotter Kill Preserve

What do you guys think?

ur kidding about the date right? april 1st was last week and it wasnt a sunday… :confused:

uhhhhhhh april first?? you sure about that?:lol

april fools!:lol

Calendar on the wall at work is weird. May 1st.

may 1st is a saturday. but yea that sounds pretty good
ps i told you i like to pick stuff out :lol

You guys should all come to this…as long as it’s gonna be may 1st. There should be some nice spots in the park.