photoshop gurus, i need a new sig

your avatar isn’t enough??? that smiley is def for you… :retardclap

change your avatar to some big bring star or a rainbow or something, you’ll find it. Having some large,lame and obnoxious pic as your sig just so you can find your posts is incredibly pathetic.

hahaha so what ! im about to put a fat ass sig in my profile for the same reason i just fly thru threads with the gyro scrolling wheel and when i see my sig i know where im at :smiley:

ok, i respect your opinion, but you’re a dick lol

haha, I can accept that.

there are no regulations on sig pic (stupid forum) so you can do whatever you want, but I think your intelligence is comparable to that of my nuts. Not sure if thats ragging on you or my nuts, but I’ll stick with it :smiley:

sig pics are fine as long as they aren’t too big, I’m talking 100 pixels. When your sig is 3 times as big as your post then you know there are issues.

you are the kind of guy that would piss off the vast majority of a forum (that you help run, mind you) just to shove it in the face of one guy… tisk tisk

hahaa nah man im only kidding i think everyone knows im only joking around !

right? :eek:

no…you asshole lol

I don’t know you, so I don’t know if you are kidding or not :smiley:

Singh is NEVER serious. Ever.

^^ the troof