Can someone please PTM the crossmember and spindles on the red 150 I want to see if I want to do it on my truck.
I don’t understand the question.
Do you want these 'shopped on your truck?
No I want someone to paint to match the crossmember bracket and spindles on the lift of the red truck in this photo
I like it black.
Im picking up what you’re putting down now. If no one else has done it by then, I’ll see what I can do later when I’m near my computer.
Alright thanks man
leave it black.
well I want to see it because Mike(Krazykid) thinks it will look good and I saw it on a chevy and it didnt look half bad so I wanted to see it on something like my truck
We did a lift on a hummer and the guy had the drop downs powder coated to match. Looked cheesy.
Yeah sorry dude we havent had more than 10 minutes at the shop to even log on the computer, let alone an hr or so to play with photoshop.
LOL nobody likes my idea. hahah. I was just a suggestion, something to call attention to the quality aftermarket parts installed on the truck all.
Everyones voting cheezy… I think keep them black too now that I think about it.