Picked up my Exige... HEAD UNIT INSTALLED!!!

lol newman you know what would be sweet?!?!




Christian, you should consider making the rear oval area around the tails black. I think the contrast looks great. For reference…


Haha, i posted in that thread… The thought crossed my mind, but it’s kinda wanna-be ferrari-ish.

I reallly like the way this looks, but they modified the clam and set the center section in a few inches.



I think that wing and the flat black oval would look sick :tup:

Ditch the white. Go all CF:

Link to gallery

The wing is 4200 dollars tho. LOL.

Yeah, I saw that photo on there a while ago. That car is awesome. In regards to the oval looking Ferrari-like, I don’t really see it. I mean, they look really nothing like any Ferrari out there, and there are plenty of Ferrari’s that don’t have black sections back there. I don’t know, I just really like the contrast.

Like cost ever stopped you before…


i am not going to buy a wing that costs as much as a new engine.

i think the oval breaks it up too much.

Nay on the oval…

agreed, me no likey.

Cant you ever just leave shit alone. It looks nice now, DONT waste your money on a 4000 dollar spoiler. you silly goose.

no black oval. the white looks much better as-is

just seeing this car made me laugh even though i love it i found this in the store. hahahahttp://i31.photobucket.com/albums/c370/sweet89s13/GetAttachment.jpg

There’s a real pic of it. Not a PS. I don’t like it.


Agreed, Makes the car look like a old bank robber with a mask on

do not want.

and lol @ your original photoshop.