just a quick shot of the scooby....

from lastnight :slight_smile:


and before someone says it, yes, an edited photo from me…OMG

how you liking the D70?

cant complain man, still figuring everything out though heh

get on a torrent site and try to find a pdf book on it. i did that for my A200 and it helped out a lot.

yea i have the manual, the guy saved EVERYTHING for it, even the reciept lol… $1200 new…lulz

just haven’t had the time to read it yet really, just bits here and there just to get me by

to be totally honest the pdf i downloaded helped me more than the manual for mine, but since you have it i would say read the manual straight through first. its a lot easier to do that then to just screw around with settings.

looks sick! one of the better shots of your car i have seen.

Looks good. Now drifto shots please.

come slide your car sideways and i’ll take pics…i cant do both at once!

Great pic man…

Is this still for sale?

eh not really, its gonna be the winter beater once she’s paid off

unless someone showed me the cash for it, maybe then i’d consider

haha I would if I didn’t live like 2,500 miles away. Just put a timer on the camera and drive past it!

red x?

dunno about the redX

another hosting…

its working fine both places now

Looks like a nice piece of artwork to me.

reminds me why I got an evo… j/k it’s a nice shot.

Looks good!

Good photo