Pics of cars at Left top corner of Site...

Yeah, it ran itself fine but josh was still setting up all the events and track days. It takes a LOT of coordination to do shit like that. Now that josh owns it, and he can use it as a tool to aid that effort, more power to him.

He does do a great job setting up events and more power to him…

My original post was mostly for lolz

carry on with the OMGZ NO FBODY REPRESENTATION debate

lz is such a pot stirrer

There was always a presence in the back end… and Josh was part of that presence. It is funny how much people assume and really have no clue.

But I know you were being sarcastic, so I will not harp on things or dig the trenches for battle. Carry on you red headed bastard.

Listen Im not trying to be an dick or W/e here. What im saying is between josh and I, we obviously have the resources to do what it takes to make the header look great. So is it exclusive to the work that Josh and I collaborate on ? Yes, and you guys are using that fact to take shots at me for only wanting quality work up there. I have said this multiple times in this thread. If anyone has anything better to bring to the table, by all means lets see it, but until then IDK why this is even an argument.

This is actually a really good suggestion

There are plenty of users here that CAN take a picture good enough to match the quality of the ones up there. I would think it would be a little ridiculous to say that ianK should be the only person who is allowed to submit photos for the banner.

This forum is filled with a bunch of pussys. Whatever mod can read this. I hope you get hit by a monster truck.

Lets do it then, post em up and lets see what we come up with…

Just to clear a few things up, I think that some people here probably feel a little bit left out on the whole banner thing because it sort of seems like you have to be friends with you or josh or w/e to get your car up there. I know it probably sounds silly, but people that spend a lot of time on here want the opportunity. That’s not how I feel about it, and I could care less if a picture I took was chosen or not, but I would be willing to bet a bunch of people that are on here just feel that they are left out since they are not friends with you guys.

Don’t take this as me whining or complaining, because I am not. I am just stating what the situation MAY look like from an outsider’s point of view.

I believe i have been contacted by one other person that wasn’t a friend to set-up a shoot. I post all over the place that i will take photos for people at no charge, an no one takes advantage…

It’s funny I can tell whose a liberal/conservative just by reading this thread.

“I think everyone should be given an opportunity”

“Fuck that, the higher ups will make their decision”

Yeah the liberals are being cry babies as usual. :slight_smile:

Maybe we could have a meet for everyone who wants their car up there in the spring? Or the background idea sounds fair as well. I am friends with Ian and mine isn’t up there.


^ reverse discrimination

Fucking liberals. Always thinking they deserve a say literally in someone else’s business.

Here’s an idea: This is a message board. Submit whatever the fuck you want for consideration. If you submit a snapshot of your car, well, I don’t see snapshots of cars in the banner. If you the equipment and talent to create the type of artwork that belongs in the banner then it might be used.

Your slow and will be beaten by everyone this year :wink: :mamoru:

Well just post up the backgrounds and let people have at it. It will end all the whining.

i cant believe this thread is still going.

me either.

Well I know on one of my sites we have a “picture of the month” contest where we ask people to have a minimum resolution and preferably the entire vehicle in the shot.

Everyone (who wants to at least) votes on which picture they like the best and at the end of the month our site designers/admin take the pics and edit them to get them in the banner.

It has worked out well so far, but you have to make sure the pictures are of the quality necessary because most inexperienced people don’t know the difference.

We start one thread with just submissions, then the moderator picks the top 10 or so out of the submissions and puts it to a vote.

I have way too many open projects to make that happen at this time.