pics up! help me find or sell me a turn signal!

here’s the bulb i need (i only gots the one!)

here’s what i took the police station =p

hahaha priceless… why does it look so dirty… clean your bike before you take pictures next time…


i swear to god this bike gets so dirty SOOO EASY, i wash the white wheels once every coulple of rides and i powerwashed this thing last night before leaving delta sonic

its ben like 8 miles since i washed it last i give up hope

sell if for something more manageable then <3… like a white 636.

like looking for a unicorn in a pile of mermaids. i’m half heartedly looking for one of those now and it’s damn near impossible to find down here.

you have to find a custom painted one… or paint it yourself.

the only custom painted bikes around these parts have glitter paint, gold pin striping, air brushed mexican princesses, and stretched swingarms. which is totally fine and exactly what i want. they are just usually a louder color like green, red, goldenrod, etc.

they make goldenrod colored bikes??? pick up a used one in green and have it sprayed white… should only cost 5-600 bucks at a shop if you take it all apart for the guy…

I wish they made it white from the factory… (without a bunch of other stupid designs on it)

btw indysuperbikes is the shit. I’ve bought so much shit from them, great prices. I still have a spare new led taillight for a 636 with integrated turn signals. I won’t sell it because I know I’ll be back in an 05-06 636 sometime in the near future, lol

ill call indybikes, kuntryquest is tryin to track one down for me currently, so cmon people find me one! PWEASE :’(

the lucky finder gets a 1 dollar paypal finders fee lol

btw its about a 2 inch LED assembly buy 2 and fit them in

or better yet… contact bluegauges… hes local and he could surely fix it… tell him i sent you his name is scott…

def will thanks!