What’s everyone’s opinion on flush mount front turn signals? My dad was moving the bike out of the way to get stuff into the garage and ended up…ugh…dropping the bike… :mad::banghead::rant:

So long story short, I need to replace my front right turn signal, and I’m thinking that Honda OEM parts are pricey…so after-market flush mounts might be financially speaking the way to go.

Yes, he is paying for them.

Also, how hard is an oil change on these things? 70 dollars for an oil change @ Free Wheeling? Jesus…I’d rather do it myself for that price.

oil changes can be a bitch because you have to remove fairings and such… if you dont mind spending a little time doing it, its definitely worth saving the money…

and flush mounts are not only really cheap in sites like ebay, but make your bike look 100000x better IMO…

flush mounts FTW

oil changes are not bad at all with the right tools. Took me about 45 minutes all together on the first time doing it on my bike. (600rr)

didn’t you JUST get this thing, and he already dropped it? fuckin gay, my dad dropped my first bike, didn’t pay for shit, and didn’t apologize. at least yours is paying for it.

Did you stab your dad?

we aren’t on speaking terms right now lol. that’s all i gotta say about that. The bike was FLAWLESS, now, it has scratches like crazy on the right side and needs that turn signal…ugh. sajdsjadsajkd lol.

Scratch up his car…or beat his wife?

my mother? lmao.

Its tough love.

omg :rofl:


alright well then I guess I should stop playing TOWERS… and start looking for some flush mounts. My 10 day inspection thing is closing in so I need to hurry.

+1, always liked the LP mini flushies, you can grind the edges, to fit into the hole perfectly. There are more expensive ones that are custom fit too.

Keep the factory plugs, so you can remove the panels.

my mom dropped my bike. My dad came up to my room (I worked UPS loading, crazy hours) I was asleep to tell me my bikes on its side in the garage (he has a bad back) and said he cant pick it up. I asked is it leaking anything? he said “no”, I said leave it, I’ll worrie about it when I get up… Then he said “your moms pinned under it”…

so i got up and got it…

another time I had just done the oil change so it was in the middle of the garage… I went in the house to clean up before taking it for a ride while I was in the house my mom came home and backed her car into the garage… said she didn’t even see the BRIGHT green bike in the middle of the garage…

Guess thats what you get when you live at home… oh well life goes on…

oh and when you need your bike inspection let me know…

yeah I’m not toooo upset, I’m just disappointed that my new bike, my NEW FLAWLESS bike isn’t flawless anymore, eventually I’ll end up refinishing/replacing the parts that got scratched and whatnot, but for now, the bike runs amazing, still looks sharp minus a few scrapes and no one got hurt so whatever lol

Dude that was some funny shit…Sorry about your mom if that
is true but the way you typed it was pretty LMAO…:lolham:

no she was fine… just not strong enough to lift it off her… I was trying to be upset about her dropping it but couldn’t keep a straight face…

it was pritty funny… and I still dont get why my dad waited till the last thing to tell me she was pinned…

apparently that put a damper on “Moto GP” role playing night?

I skipped the rest of the posts, but I’m a huge detractor of anything that decreases visibility. Almost all of the flush mounts I have seen result in poor visibility of the signal. Bad idea IMO. There are other alternatives.

Most times they look pretty cheap anyway.

greggs flushmounts look awesome. Im not certain that the front signals on a bike ever really generate too much attention as it is, However, for rear signals, i think they are much more important. On that note, an integrated tail normally is extremely visable

reason # 1 I’m glad I dont have a minty bike anymore. Hey, perfect reason to turn it into a lot bike now. haha , but yea change your oil yourself or else you’ll always be paying out the ass for someone else to do it on your bikes and that aint cool. And its not hard to do either.

^ what he said