'Picture a day' thread

This is true, If people actually timed themselves driving “normal” and then like a “douche” they would see they don’t save nearly as much time as they think. In the case of merging, if everyone left a gap to let traffic keep flowing, everyone wouldn’t have to slow to 3 mph. But most drivers think that they will get somewhere faster if they don’t let anyone in front of them. It also seem when people get behind the wheel, they instantly loose the human to human sense of interaction and only see traffic as objects in their way and not other people try to make it to work alive. Try driving something larger than most other traffic, like a box or straight truck. You get absolutely no respect, no matter how fast you go you’re still in the way and not going fast enough. Even if you’re in the slow lane, someone will ride your ass and try to peek around you by riding the line. If you try and pass someone they speed up, but slow down when you get behind them. People will pull out in front of you even if they are going to drive slow or have to turn a 1/4 mile down the road…

Again, driving is my biggest pet peeve and I get crazy ranting about it so I’ll cut myself off here.