But Mr. Lahey!!!
so did you get a ticket? :lol
hey didnt damir trade his S4 for that Mercedes in front of you ?
What are those glorious wheels?
20" MRR HR3, machined finish.
I think they go perfectly with the car.
couldnt pick better wheels for that IMO
Look like fun.
Now I know why the power steering pump jumped she ship.
^^ i like to play around in that warehouse parking lot. And i know that truck and the owner.
I couldn’t tell anyone was drifting there or anything :rofl
Kyle is a good shit, I’ve known him for a few years now haha.
Yep, thats boxers old one. New owner brought it out to the Subaru meet the other night. Looks like an insanely fun car to abuse :excited
I agree with that lol.
Light painting silver is weird.
Not sure how I feel about this shot, its blotchy, tires are not evenly lit, too much stray light pollution, meh…
^lets do that with mine, i need some new pics lol