Picture Pages Picture Pages

Finally got around to learning how to use Frontpage 2003. never used a web program before; any who here are some picture pages i made




if links are broken its due to uploading; check back in a couple mins



i am an idot

i’ve been studying this war since it was brewing. at first i was all for it. then 4 of my close friends and 2 uncles were shipped out. one came home injured and he has a wife a kid and a baby on the way. I still supported it. They have to sacrifice so much. I just hope in the end its all worth it. I was pissed when i found out that when GW declared major combat over, they also stopped paying the extra combat pay. I even wrote to our congressmen to reinstitute the combat pay. Its now more dangerous to be in Iraq than ever. I look at both sides all the time about the war. I just hope it is worth it. I would like to find out more facts and figures about the war. I’m sick of listening to Anti war and Pro war rethoric cause its always biased towards one side. I just want to be able to look at the big picture.

Nuke everyone:rolleyes: