pictures from my vacation...

u really want him :ban:?

No Nude = No Care

wow, i’m a noob…

:kekegay: please…

i’ll deliver soon enough…

making promises and not keeping them :rolleyes:

:1320: :bluez28:

that escort :kekegay:


:bsflag: didnt you say you are never going to talk to her again?

deliver now!

pics, pics,pics,pics,pics,pics,pics

yeah…i did say that didn’t i…anyway…

she’s on her way over…i’ll see if i can get some topless pics…no guarantees tho…

the next possible time would be friday…


go for it eric :rofl:

box too!! :hitit:



now the saying…

girls are only good for sex…

makes complete sense…


you suxors at promising things.

ban for making false statements. just a ban untl friday, where he needs to post pics, or ban until next friday amd etc etc etc until pics are shown. i wouldn’t push this issue, but the noob said he will deliver, so we need to make him accountable for the goods.

alright guys…i get the idea…

just keep your god damn pants on…

:ban: :ban: :ban: