Pignose Half-Clears

I am looking to buy some pignose half clears. let me know the price and location

ya who isnt man.

ya i know just thought i would try my luck

i call the set after the one sold to you :slight_smile:

i’ll sell you the set i haven’t bought yet for $200…lol

big john

i got the ones off of my 180

pm me

:open_mouth: i wanted those a while aho, but you wouldn’t par tthem from the bumper :frowning:

lol…arrangements already made.

sorry dano

i didnt wanna part em, but now that im not working, i had to jump

plus john is buyng a few parts from me

np guys

i remember seeing someone sellin a silver pignose front bumper a while back that had the halfclears…was it u matty? i cant seem to find the thread with that pic.

ya it was matty.