Put em up, lets see the good and the bad use of pink anything on cars. You’ve been talking about pink this and pink that and good or bad. Let’s see whos got what.
I’m going with a “yes” on my post
That car is like a delicious marshmallow! ;D
Pink + Mustang :runaway
the DC Gumball car :nod :bowdown
Pink Bugatti :runaway :nono
Pink Enzo = FAIL
Pink TT = FAIL
YARG! my eyes! :lol
that subi is the only one that works cuz the car is a nice dark camo gray and pink is used for accents.
I can’t picture any car that will look good with the whole body painted pink
with one sole exception;
Automatic Racing Grand Am GS:
Pink Civic FTL…
Not that this is any better…
Just thought I would keep this post neutral for Honda/VW owners :tong
Enzo: voted p-chop.
enzo and mustang get my vote for the pchoppage
The “Pink Pig”, otherwise known as Bertha. The car that brough ground effect and drag control to a new era in the racing scene, near 50 years ago. Pink as pink gets…
I thought the same thing.
That’s Adams?
Ahem…(throws up in mouth), and NO for the OP
white porsche = chop
pink dale earnhardt car
I’d take a stab and say that some rich ugly-fat ass 16yr old whore got her daddy to buy that car for you super sweet 16 BD :wtf I sure hope to god that kitty logo is photochopped onto that car…aside from that I’d drive the bejesus out of it.
haha you’re probably right about the fat spoiled skank but hey fat chix need lovin to :banana I’d rock it minus the sticker on the door
i knew a girl that had a barbie pink Del Sol with a B18C1 swap in it… fit her perfectly, blonde hair, pink del sol…
did you fuck her?