:lol I wasnt really thinking I just thought simmons and thought kiss and I hate kiss, oh well :rofl
I’m gonna have to say that pink mustang is fugly. Some cars can rock the pink though.
NO, pink Enzo = FAIL!
You’d drive it. :nod
After I got it painted
i agree with this one. id rather rattlecan it black than drive it in that color
you are not allowed to fail anyone not after your own stupidity putting you in the record books as being one of the dumbest people alive.
4 Pink Silvias FTW!
I was waiting for someone to bring that up :lol
I only count 3…
what that square one on the right? a 180?
pop-ups = 180sx
ya i was just silvia happy and put down a number. also that 180 is a USDM 240. its in a couple other picks, with, what else? a SR20. BLAH!
+1 on that lmfao
lots of homo-phobes in this thread (read closet homosexuals)
i was gonna post this same exact pick. YASHIO FTW!
3 silvias and a 180sx thats actually not a 180sx its a 240sx. i happen to know that its a LHD 240sx chassis from the states that he imported to japan with the hopes of building a KA-t then found out there is no support for them in japan and slapped an sr20 in it and called it a day. so anytime jeff lol.
ohhh burn…
so are LHD cars as cool in Japan as RHD here? :lol
i think so lol. we sould just started trading them straight up for the usdm counterparts
hellz yea! :mwahaha