Pinks... anyone see Full Race get killed?

RICERS - had a bottle in the car but NO nitrous hooked up???

Its a part of the scam, the other team tries to negotiate the bottle to be removed assuming that they will have a bigger advantage when it is pulled. When the bottle is gone the car isn’t any slower and the other team wasted one of their negotiation opportunities.

The show isn’t as much about fast cars as it is about the negotiating.

The show isn’t about negotiating as much as it is about sandbaggin

You got that right.

That was actually a really good idea…had they figured out that they blew a coupler…I think they would have won…

1st run w/ the bottle = win

2nd run (had things been working right) w/o the bottle = win

then you lose the 3rd, bring things closer, turn up the boost and win the 4th.

Because they lost power from the 1st to 2nd run and didn’t figure out why/fix it…they ended up losing. But the fake bottle was a great idea. Since as long as you can win the 1st one, you’ll just remove the bottle and not give up lengths for the 2nd, and you should win that one too.


You could tell when their egos got hit - the sunglasses came off, lol

Who negotiates a race???

Your car is faster or it’s not! End of story!

That show should only be 9-12 seconds long.
They could fit it in as a 30 second commercial while they are showing NASCAR 24 hours a day.

when thousands of dollars are on the line…people negotiate races all the time, bottle, NA, lengths, jump, tires, etc… etc… etc…

good vids, even though you couldn’t cut through the bullshit with a chopsaw.

google vid: “pinks”, should get you the rx7 vs. pink civic, the civic vs. firebird, and a mustang on mustang run.

broken coupler, the car did make pretty good power for a D series

whats with the hate on evans tuning?

Evans > * honda tuning

I’d put my man Zer0DazE against anyone in the Honda ring expecting him to come out on top… /:suckoff:
