Pipe fitting desk lamp

Would anyone be interested in buying something like this? I made this one for my sister for christmas and she loved it, and told me I should try selling them. It is what it is. The shade could be changed but they can be expensive, they take a candelabra bulb, they’re pretty heavy but sturdy as fuck. Would have rubber on the feet to keep it from scratching anything and from sliding. Has a rotor switch. All of the fittings would have a little dab of jb weld in the threads to keep it from rotating but it could be disassembled for any reason. They get expensive to make even though the individual fittings are fairly cheap so I’d be getting between 100 and 150 for them depending on style/shape/size and how much I had to put into it.

If you might be interested let me know.

this looks real cool. if i could suggest something to the artist i would tell him/her to do it in old copper pipe with solder.

either way love the recycling and art and the use.

Copper pipe is more expensive. I thought about using it though. I could do it, threaded or soldered. It would just be more expensive.

Look dope! Sweet idea!

uncoated iron pipe will surface rust in about 3 months in humid air.

I know a powdercoated that could do them in ANYCOLOR (even clear to look like they do now, forever) for like $10 a lamp. :slight_smile: Less per lamp if they were the same color in bulk.

It is the black pipe so i think it will be okay. If it ever rusts on her i will have you coat it though. That’s good for future ones i make, thanks man!

no prob bro!

Terminator Pixar Lamp, pretty cool looking!

insert “layin some pipe” joke here

i was at chillis and thats what all their table lamps are made out of or it looked like pipe it might be just plastic but def looked like water pipe

Yeah was there for the first time after i made this and lold

Sell them on etsy.com. Spray them with a clearcoat for rust prevention.

Not really interested in going crazy trying to sell them. If anyone here wants one cool, if not, no big deal.

Pickles. Lots of pickles.

Onliest way i’m payin $150 for a lamp is if it’s made of Detroit parts.

:lol yeah they aren’t cheap to make. Spent way more making the one for my sister than i expected.