Pitbulls aint got sh!t on these...

Whens the last time you guys have been to the Buffalo Zoo? Its not just for kids ya know. I really like it there, as shitty as it is, its still educational. Not to mention the Toronto Zoo… which is a much better facility, and definitely worth the drive. While you’re up there scedule a trip to African Lion Safari. That is sweet too.

That looks a little smaller than my friend’s 235 lb English mastiff.
That thing eats 14 cups a food a day and is still only like 1.5 years old.

I think one of those eats babies.


Edit: ok definitly that pic appears to be fake, but the dogs can be 250 lbs+ and 7ft+ tip to tail


That looks a little smaller than my friend’s 235 lb English mastiff.
That thing eats 14 cups a food a day and is still only like 1.5 years old.


Thats cool as hell! Its still only 1.5 years old. I want a dog that stays the same age!

:stuck_out_tongue: Just being an ass…that is a HUGE dog. If I had money to burn and didnt have a horrible car hobby. Id get one. Keep him nice, calm, and friendly like my Am. Staff. But, I bet it takes a lot of percautions to keep that dog from getting loose and causing damge to people or property.

Seriously…if that dog was to want to attack somebody, that lil guy isnt going to be able to do shit to stop it.

A friend of mine has one. biggest baby ever. you can literally ride him. like, the dog wants to/lets you. fucking cool dog.

Those are fucking BA.

Yeah Hyenas are massive. I’ve always liked the Kane Korso (sp). That thing is pure badass.

I used to work with 2 guys from Nigeria when I was in fort lauderal and they used to tell me crazy storys about there pets …

Wow I couldn’t trust one of those things ever.


Wow I couldn’t trust one of those things ever.


Why not? Dogs where bread selectively from wolves, as cats where from wild cats…this is the same thing only it hasn’t been hundreds of years yet. Give it time and who knows maybe you will be able to get a specific color or size.

I’d want one now…they are so bad looking, I’d only want it from a puppy though, I think it would become attached to my shepard/rottie and learn from him.


Why not? Dogs where bread selectively from wolves, as cats where from wild cats…this is the same thing only it hasn’t been hundreds of years yet.


I think you just negated yourself…

Unless you are implying that you would trust a wolf or a wildcat


Why not? Dogs where bread selectively from wolves, as cats where from wild cats…this is the same thing only it hasn’t been hundreds of years yet. Give it time and who knows maybe you will be able to get a specific color or size.

I’d want one now…they are so bad looking, I’d only want it from a puppy though, I think it would become attached to my shepard/rottie and learn from him.


They are not demesticated animals. They still have alot of animal instinct, which makes them VERY dangerous and unperdictable. When my dad was young his aunt had a pet wolf. She raised it from a pup but had to get rid of it because it kept trying to challenge family members to advance it’s rank in the “pack”. They are cool animals, don’t get me wrong…but NOT meant to be pets. The reason dogs are awsome pets is because of thousands of years of breeding and domestication. Interesting fact, if you take a few pigs, like say one you would find on a farm, and release it into them into the wild, wichin only a few generations they revert back to wild boar status. Long brissely hair, tusks…the whole 9 yards. Pigs are cool lol.

The reason dogs are awsome pets is because of thousands of years of breeding and domestication.

Now if they can just do that with some humans

One of the “nerd” channels (DISC, DSCI, NGEO) did a story on K-9s. They raised wolves and dogs from pups with the same amount of human interaction. I can’t remember all of the tests…

One was they put food in a cage so that the Wolf and Dog couldn’t get to it. They both tried pawing at it; the dog gave up and turned to the human for help (literally), whereas the wolf keep pawing at it more aggressively.

Another test was the human would hide food under 3 bowls and shuffled them. The dog would follow a cue from the human, the wolf would search all three bowls and ignore the human cue.


Now if they can just do that with some humans



^ true story

hahah I was just being a little sarcastic.

I wouldn’t trust any “wild” animal around my family. (Especially if I had children.)
My cousin has a ~6ft bowa that I wouldn’t keep in my house. EEEeek its cool to look at, but not for me.

I think the only “wild” animal I would want to keep would be a Gold Eagle because they kick ass…and it would have its own room. :slight_smile:

This belongs in the ALL THAT IS MAN thread

FYI - There are Hybrid-Wolves. Very popular.
Jedd, the wolf from a bunch of wolf movies was a hybrid, which allowed him to be trained. I think he lived to be 18 or something crazy. A lot of people frown upon the hybrids, but I wouldn’t mind owning one if I knew it wasn’t going to chew my kids face off to be dominant. Wolves brains are something like 30% larger than a normal domestic dog’s and they are extremely territorial. One way to supress some of their instincts is to constantly remind them of who is boss. By remaining dominant and acting in a dominant way around a wolf, or a hybrid, you actually suppress their sexual drive, which allows you to supress them even more, but you have to stay on top of it. Once they get an incling that they are going to run the house, they will jump on it. Same applies for monkeys. My wife’s uncle got a monkey for a pet, and it initially wanted dominance over the house. Her uncle caught it in the bathroom, closed the door, and beat the shit out of it. The monkey actually fought back for a little while, but once it was exhausted and supressed… the was a nice little monkey.

I haven’t been able to find any hybrids locally… which is probably good, I wouldn’t trust anything local, but they are around.

^Lemme know if you want a mild (25%) “hybrid” pup, come spring time.

oh, and :word: