Pitman's view on Money/Economy [split]

i understand money buys you things right now. but are you sure it will tomorow? monetary systems have failed in the past. and this american one is close.

if your money is guaranteed tomorow it is guaranteed to go down in value too. one day the value will go down so much it will be worthless.

i am all for you supporting your needs and your familys but dont forget how unfair the monetary system is. i understand your need to particapte in it too. we all need to survive. just remeber the dollar isnt worth everything. life and family and things like that are of value. paper is just something we dont need to think has a value. someone wants us to think its of value to help them.

at the end of the day you can survive without the dollar. all the resources will still be there without the dollar. your rented home will still be there. etc so why do we need a controling piece of paper? why do some people need to be born with extreme wealth? why do we need to use cash? why not have some better monetary system?

heres a great video [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iYZM58dulPE[/ame]