Pitman's view on Money/Economy [split]

easiest thing i can think of is money.

you can break you back or spend your enitre life trying to get all of it you can…and its just a piece of paper a person invented. it will not help you without someone willing to accept it as barter. its just paper. ask someone why they think paper money has a value? most of the time they dont know why they think the paper is worth $$$$.

so to me thats the number 1 item that doesnt correlate price with the function.

as stated above only things humans require air, water , food, shelter. money buys these now but isnt promised tomorow. if it is promised you need more $$$ tomorow because its worth less everytime.

also i hear printed money costs more than its face value to produce. how does that work? if it costs more why not just not print it? save a bunch of headaches

Who the hell told you that printed money costs more to produce than the face value?

You ever think about what you say?

Only one I know that costs more than face value right now is a penny.

i am pretty sure we are in debt to the federal reserve. if you dont know this you need to research more.

if you think we can pay off the debt that was created your nuts

ya you can print new money for 5cents a bill but look at the federal reserve debt. the us is so far in debt it doesnt matter how much papaer money it prints it will always owe something.

so its all not worth the paper its printed on


pitman, since money doesn’t matter i’ll help you out and take all yours off your hands.

you say the dumbest shit

i have no money. so that wouldnt work.

it might sound dumb sorry i cant word it to sound perfect. i am not the best speaker or writer.

its simple once you understand how the monetary system works. it helps the private owners not you or me

It pays all my bills. What’s paying your rent, Wampum*?

I think what he’s getting at is that money only has a value because we give it value. Basically if it was decided that toilet paper was going to be the new legal tender we’d all start wiping our asses with Benjamin’s and stuffing our wallets with Angelsoft.

i understand money buys you things right now. but are you sure it will tomorow? monetary systems have failed in the past. and this american one is close.

if your money is guaranteed tomorow it is guaranteed to go down in value too. one day the value will go down so much it will be worthless.

i am all for you supporting your needs and your familys but dont forget how unfair the monetary system is. i understand your need to particapte in it too. we all need to survive. just remeber the dollar isnt worth everything. life and family and things like that are of value. paper is just something we dont need to think has a value. someone wants us to think its of value to help them.

at the end of the day you can survive without the dollar. all the resources will still be there without the dollar. your rented home will still be there. etc so why do we need a controling piece of paper? why do some people need to be born with extreme wealth? why do we need to use cash? why not have some better monetary system?

heres a great video [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iYZM58dulPE[/ame]


thanks for shortening that up for me. thats a bad ass quote

God, you’re half idealist, 1/4 theoretical, 1/4 ignorant. 0 real world correlation.

If you couldn’t use “what if”/"'maybe"/“tomorrow”/“soon” and other “promissory” or hypotheticals you would really have nothing to say.

Miss Cleo claimed bullshit all day long, every year people think the world will end but guess what… It goes on.

I can only imagine what you though of Mayan end of the world back in 2007 or rapture or y2k.

you can have your opnion about me thats fine. but you dont know what i am. or who i am. if you have any info on me its biased and you wouldnt know me. so how do you conclude on what type of person i am or what you think i believe?

i also dont believe anything like that myan shit. know its hard to get me to believe something.

also heres some real history. look up if monetary systems failed in the past.

look up what happens when money isnt back by gold/silver

look up what happens to you dollar each day

thats all real. no he said she said. your money is worth less and so isnt mine.

stop having a hard head viewing my shit and you might have something better to say on topic. instead you say some asshole stuff. do you feel better? did you internet character grow any?

do something positive and you should feel better. if you are negitive you will get negitive results. just letting you know

Fine you know your shit.

You are sure it’s going to happen you read history.

You are well aware of whats going on in current events and how we are fucked.

So use your superior knowledge and tell us…

When is this going to happen? A month? A year? 3? A decade? 1000 years?

What is going to happen. Be specific. With your history knowledge this should be easy.

How is it going to happen? Event? Law? Market crash?

Why is it going to happen? Nothing happens without a reason and nobody is going to be losing money on purpose. People with money like their money and they will do whatever it takes to happen.

Go ahead. I’ll wait for specifics.

i am not better than any person. i feel equal not superior

i dont know. if i did i would tell you. everyone will have theories on things. nobody will know the exact date. if they guess then its just a guess.

i am not one to make that guess i just know if you read history and understand. history repeats itself. if you know that you wont be wondering why it happened. you will be more able to cope with the fact all the money you saved is worthless. and then you will remember me.

just think of what would happen if you dedicated your entire life to saving money then having all that money be worth less. how could that effect your person or the people you know/?

Pitman is a conspiracy.

“Shoving micromones down your face”


So… You’re just talking.

When nothing happens and I have all my money just fine you will remember me.

Live in fear. Your choice.


Most useful post ITT right here.

I agree with vlad for the 3rd time in history…

Still believe pitman is alpine fucking with all of us…

pitman, you understand that world changing events have to take place for anything in the same relm as to what your talking about to happen right? You understand that if that ever does happen there will be bigger things to worry about then money right? You also understand that people have been thinking like you for years and years and years without anything happening right?

Im 24 and have heard the same shit your talking about for at leaast 10 years… I will probably live my entire life without anything happening to the dollar and so will you so why not just go along with this terrible government and the idea that the paper we refer to as “dollars” are worth something? If I can trade money for food, trade money for a place to live and perswade someone to kill someone else for money, how do you figure its worthless?

My father has put aside a VERY large amount of gold that he bought with money with the same concept you have in mind and all that has happened since then is him loosing about $80,000 in “dollars” due to the price of gold dropping.

…then again i said all of this for nothing because im sure you eat, pay utilities, pay for gas, maybe rent on a house with money so it obviously has value to you because without it youd look like those 75 pound naked africans you see commercials of on tv all deformed sleeping in grass fields.

pitman needs to get laid…
