PJB proves that size DOES matter!


Fits me like a glove and I’m 6’3/~155 and picky as fuck about my driving position. Go drive one, you will like it. :slight_smile:


Damn dude youre like a toothpick.

Im 6’3" and 250#. I dont remember when I weighed 155, probably a very long time ago. Im not fat.

Thanks, I guess…

your also a freak of nature you goon

No, you’re just a tall goon.

Were the same height

you look like you would eat joey (k20) as a snack. ya damn ogre.

Im not that big.

^^ THATS WHAT SHE SAID!!! /Michael scott

ive heard of this thing called PJB.doc, something tells me that that is where these posts are going.

correct me if im wrong though


Micheal scott FTW!!!

I’m 6’ and 150.

Girls love smaller guys with above average sized dicks.

there is no ‘she’ to say that in my case.

Baaahhh baaahha baahhhhhhhh! (Translation: Thats what the goat said!)

youre my hero eric

And you speak Goatese?


they also prefer those dicks function properly:number1

Im so impressed, you have my attention.

im 6-0 and 250 or so .im shear ripped muscle so fuckk all of u
