Playstation 3 Thread

i woudln’t buy one yet man… they are known to have power issues and overheating issues just like the xbox… these machines run hot and if you’re an idiot, you can easily burn one up.

  1. they don’t have upscaling AT ALL… retarded… if you play a DVD it’s in 480 PERIOD… if you put ina 720 game, its’ s720 no upscaling… the blu-ray is ok, but what happens if it becomes obsolete? Also, i read a review (by someone i actually trust) that threw a ton of files at the ps3 in the sd card reader and coudln’t get over 1/2 of them to work… you can throw any file type at the xbox and it’ll do something with it.

the whole controller thing sucks… i heard the graphics are nice and some people claim some things (like the glass breaking in some shooting game) is ‘better’ than xbox… but who knows, that’s why i was asking. the whole price is just too much… you can get a full xbox premium package AND hd dvd player for less than the ps3.

the xbox is coming out wtih a revision2 model… it’s going to have a true hdmi out (which is the only thing it’s missing from the current model)… the hd dvd add on’s are dropping in price (under 200) and it does all upscaling, games and movies… I’ve always been a playstation fan, but in the past years have seen the light with the xbox…

proprietary games are soon a thing of the past… the latest hype is that the ps3 is losing the final fantasy series… who knows what is going to be next.

out of all the hd movie systems, 650,000 americans have them, some 40,000 have players, 300,000 have blue ray and 310,000 have hd dvd add-on drives… so the high-def market is going to be scary in the next year or so.