Playstation Users

Anyone having any problems logging in the PSN network. I played like 3 MW2 matches before the USA/Canada hockey game and tried to play a little while ago and as soon as my PS3 turns on it says an error ocurred and I have been signed out of the PSN. Internet works on the browser it just cant and wont connect to the PSN. Sony JUNK

free online sony junk > 360 junk

called a friend and it works for him!

PSN is down, some titles experiencing game-crashing errors - Like - Share - Comment Share on Facebook
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 	 	 	By [Joystiq](, 17:05:20 on Sunday, February 28, 2010 - [Follow Joystiq](

A wide rash of game-crashing errors is spreading among the PS3-owning community at the moment, most of which can be chalked up to a 8001050F error code. This has led to a variety of unfortunate side-effects for those affected, including corrupted trophy information and an inability to access the PSN. When combined, those two issues prevent players from launching certain games, such as Heavy Rain, without being kicked back to the XMB.

We’ve contacted Sony to find out what’s causing the issue, and when we can expect to get back to chasing down the Origami Killer. He might just be able to make a clean getaway while we suffer through this downtime.

meg must be thrilled…

just played MW2, worked fine

fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck PSN.

Mine is still not letting me sign in…The internet browser works so I’m connected…gay…

but, its free

Now they think its a mass hardware issue with the internal clock with some leap year issue.

^ :rofl wow that will suck if its a hardware issue!

They have no idea. They say they are close but its this, no its that. :ahh Im just gonna go play with my Xbox while sony has a circle jerk.

They say a fix is coming within 24 hours:

After a night of radio silence, Sony has finally spoken up about the game-crashing issues currently plaguing non-Slim PS3 models. A post on PlayStation Blog has confirmed that the problems are “being caused by a bug in the clock functionality incorporated in the system.” The statement puts a loose timeframe on a fix for the issues, saying, “we hope to resolve this problem within the next 24 hours.”

Additionally, the PlayStation Blog post includes a word of warning to PS3 Phat owners: “if you have a model other than the new slim PS3, we advise that you do not use your PS3 system, as doing so may result in errors in some functionality, such as recording obtained Trophies, and not being able to restore certain data.” (Read Sony’s full statement after the break.)

We know you’re curious to see what the console apocalypse looks like, but trust us – it’s just not worth it. We’ll let you know when it’s safe to turn your system back on.

Hitler got the PSN Error too.

Mines back on. I manually reset the clock last night just tried it everything works fine. I lost some trophies from COD and Heavy Rain that I know off but my online stats were not affected.

Mine logs in automatic when I turn it on, and I got the error when I was watching a movie. Not sure if I lost anything or not. Finished the movie and shut it off, then saw this thread…

PS3 Y2k :frowning:

i’m playing as we speak… reset the clock like jvg said and it works fine

Woo it finally works for everyone! lol