please find me...

the new Nas/DJ Green Lantern mixtape the Nigger Tape.

zshare doesnt have it, i cant get it on CD and im fiending.

don, where you at? hook a brotha up.

Not sure if they are any good. Just a quick search.

Just checked newsgroups for you and surprisingly came up empty :tdown:

I used to love DJ Green Lantern back in the Invasion! days

Damn, I didn’t know green lantern got that big, holy shit. I remember listening to him on 89.7 when I was younger.

its all over bittorrent

i havent dled it yet i have been so inundated with music lately ive been barely keeping up on club hiphop let alone mixtape shit

green lantern has BEEN huge man. i used to look up to him too, til i got into the industry myself and found more out. whatever though, still decent in his day.