Please help with and make a quick vote!!!

So the organization I foster puppies for is a finalist in the “capital region gives” promotion, its a great organization and we could definitely use the donation!

Here is the link the organization is Help Orphan Puppies.

You can only vote once per computer/device…I know a bunch of you know ways around that so please vote as many places you can!

Thanks in advance! :number1

Voted. The airplane mode on then off trick doesn’t seem to work for me to vote more than once. But I got one in for ya!

I managed 3 votes, one on my cell phone, laptop and desktop!

Yeah I’ll get it again from my computer later.


done I’ll hit it from work tomorrow



Thanks fellas!

Bump…Voting ends Friday!!!

Also we will be at a booth 1pm-4pm with some of the puppies in the organization this Sat and Sun at the Altamont Fair if you or anyone you know is looking for a dog!

Also I realized you can vote multiple times at one computer, just has to be on a different browser, I voted on IE and Google Chrome on the same computer.

Just did one from the phone, will hit the puter later.


3 more from me bro.


Thanks again everyone, this is a big deal for the organization, the normal vet bill is around $1500+ a month so a $5000 would HUGE.

Bump…Friday at 5pm voting closes, please get your votes in if you haven’t already! THANKS!

Voted. You guys are doing gOod things.