So you need help? Missing information on something? Want an answer on something deeply important?
Well there is few ways of doing this:
You could just post a topic and keep the already extremely cluttered section further into clutter and mess. Oh yeah it also makes your post count go up, to some people this is important.
You could use the search link. Yeah the one in the top right under the NECC logo, the one with the Magnifying glass. You know the one you’ve probably never used or is cover in dust. Dust it off and use it. If you don’t get what you search for the first time, rephrase it or spell it right. Sometimes people already discussed what you are looking for and have the answer.
Read a Book on the topic. Sometimes people have so much information on the topic that they decide to make a book and put all the information in it. Kinda helpful for understanding theory behind topics. Also they don’t crash like the internet or your computer and Its always nice to have something that shows you understand more a topic because you spent the time and took some of the information gathering upon yourself. Trust me people like it when you quote from books when discussing topics.
So before the next time you hit that post reply button on the topic, just think about what your going to do and if you can do it a better way.