pole dancing

these chicks are nuts…damn!



wow that’s crazyyyy!


that was smokkkkkin

pfft! :lmao I do that every night before bed…hahaha JUUUUST kidding!


Those are good girls right there

I’ve seen some of those tricks pulled off in Montreal! strippers up there are serious, lol

So they are basically just slutty gymnasts?

Nope, thems some workin girls…lol

…woah…, bet with all that muscle though they can fuck ya up real good

I want me some slutty gymnasts :excited.

someone say montreal :ninja

hank u need to change your avatar, reminds everyone of the disturbing failvis analsex pic

I want to see the guy who pushed it to become an official competition.

Those girls are no joke however, they can actually put many gymnasts to shame.

FaceBook group joined!

But let me ask this: How do you get turned on when they are all spinning around and stuff… cant really get a good look like when you get a lap dance, and anyone of them could probaly destroy any of us, yes? But still all in all, a good time!

Main site clip.

Girl with red bra, black boy shorts. I WANT HER. BAD. She’s the best of the ones I saw in that clip.

shut your whore mouth b4 i break your collar bone.

so whos up for a road trip next year?