police shoot police

like the title says.


i dont think they gave someone another suprise b-day party after that.
bad piggy.

aaaahhh thats bad lol…they just stood there lookin at the shot officer b4 n e one did n e thing haha

lol they desirve it plus i dont think thats real iw ouldent jsut stand there

lol 2nd time i watched…i noticed the comedy network symbol at the bottom…haha

yah i figured lol…

Kinda lame that they would make a parody out of something like that…

My $0.02


well i’ve seen other episodes from these guys and it’s all in satire… so i mean no harm done…

its was very dark comedy… i love it.

DAMN there is no emotion to express how im dying with laughter right now LMFAO…

haha ya had to watch it again myself.
so when are we going have a suprise b-day forsomeone, maybe that person will run them over with their car. haha

thank god mine just passed lol…im safe