Poor cobra..

guess he blew it too far sideways huh.

lol maybe its not but that last picture just seems off to me, its just sitting there? no ripples or anything half way in the air?

I don’t get how it looks fake at all :rofl

they chopped mud/water onto the sidewalk?

droplets of oil floating on the water, not to mention the mud all over the car

not to mention in the pics where you do see ripples, they are perfectly formed.

why would the water be rippling if the car wasnt moving in those pics, you can clearly see there arent any tow straps hooked up once it’s out of the car, they were probably rearranging the truck to pull with a cable/

With the oil you do have a point. I just saw a nice clear body of water and a blury as fuck mustang. Looked like it was placed into the picture.

If you think those are chopped…you should be considered blind. Really…nothing looks fake about them.

Photo shopped with mud and water dripping off the front bumper onto the side walk?

And you’re an idiot

best chop evar! :number1

but seriously those front tires don’t look like they have too much tread left on them, i wonder what the backs looked like.

You know I could do that pretty easy.

Yea thats alot of effort to to put into all those pics just to play a joke.You gotta be stallmer status loser to go through all that

that one picture just looked weird to me, didnt notice the oil though

I dont think its PS but so weird how everything BUT the car is in focus

i bet “AMD IS THE BEST” was taking the pictures :facepalm

you guys are crazy if you think its photoshopped. its just shit pictures.

ITs not even shit pics. Like chris said. The whole pond is in focus but the car looks liek shit,.

no part of any of the pictures with the car in the water looke in focus. Look at the trees in the reflection at the top of the picture with the car 1/2 in, 1/2 out… they are blurry and very undefined.

I’m going to agree. Def. looks shopped.

either way, if it’s real, the owner is a retard.

LoL sorry to see your buddies car like that…but one thing I learned from living in Florida is that as great as the roads are down there Floridians can NOT drive in the rain

:facepalm it’s not her buddy’s, it’s some random guy that posted on a forum.