Poor Nissan

found this while looking for porn.


Some bondo can fix that.

car belongs to a guy on club4ag

That’ll buff right out

:stuck_out_tongue: always wanted to say that but everyone usually beat me to it

I hope everyone got out ok…or wasn’t even in the car…

:finga: trees

Holy shit! Hahahahaha

B-Wurm :smiley:

What did you google for that to come up while looking for porn…SMASHING BIG WOOD ? :E

It was having sex and dumping a big log on your mom in my Nissan.

HAHA jks. It was on a picture site thing. Not a google. Was a link off of timekiller.com

I saw that a while back on another forum. Some one made the comment about how nice it was for the car to wink just before it got smashed he he