post a pic of your SO v n00b's

Thats her driving force in life. she HAS to have a dew once a day.

dont worry she has some tight pink shirts that match mine and ya i work in the mall usually after 3pm though. im very rarely there in the mornings!

thats my wife :asshole

me and Lory trashed after the beer festival at the penn pilsner brewery

i would post a pic of my wife but those of you that know her. also know that if i posted her opn the web she would shoot me. and yes she does carry

so who’s gonna be the first one to step up and post nudes?

  • bathtub pict *



you wanna keep this a work safe thread???

i have a NWS one, but i guess i could post the mildly edited version that i’ve used before (anyone from PR would have seen this one before :bigthumb: )

here’s a regular one since i don’t have the verdict on the NWS thing yet, i’ll get the edited one ready just in case, and if i can’t find it i guess i’ll just remake it

host a link with a NWS then post it

…too much effort for my lazy ass, esp since i don’t already have webspace

i’ll just take popular vote on if we need to turn this into a NWS thread or not, either way don’t bother me. even though i doubt anyone else will post anything similar

work safe is for pussies. post it.

ill edit it and post what you want send it to me pm me the details

its already been edited…

how about this?


so if you don’t wanna look at it it’s your own damn fault for scrolling down

edited by whitey: no it loaded on my machine… thats why i say link all nudes

if you have a problem with this policy I can make it that you can not log in, some of us have jobs that would not take it lightly if their are nude pictures coming up.

kind of an old pic but most of the more recent ones are saved on her computer not mine

good, i didnt want to see it anyway :puke:



if you attatch more than one picture they all come up as links. Just note in the post which one is the NWS one. :embarassd