i watch her all the time on her web cam!!!
ur the one that saved it on my comp!!! :idb:
just like ur girl!!!
wow you’re full of ownage today
dont worry ,i :owned: ur girl today toooooooooooo!!! :idb:
nope… they put my doggy asleep today… :sad:
bad day
Sorry to hear about that Chad
it’s ok, just weird she isnt here right now… doesnt seem right
sorry to hear chad…pets are part of your family and its hard to loose someone close to you
yeah it really sucked. she turned 13 last week, so she lived a long time, but doesnt seem long enough
sorryb to here that! :sadwavey:
:sadwavey: :sadwavey:
sorry to hear… my next door neighbors dog that i grew up with was about that same age and some ignorant fuck poisoned it with napkins and anti freeze
…didn’t know that, maybe i’ll try again later if i can find something else to post along with it so that it is only as a link.
and sorry whitey, i haven’t ran into this rule before so i didn’t know. i apologize. would doing it the way darkstar suggested be okay?
well, just talked to whitey, he says no go on darkstar’s idea. so i’ll have to host them somewhere or something i guess