Post Pics from 5/20 Nyspeed BBQ @ Chestnut Ridge

Noone thought he would run, but Newman and I got him pretty good.

haha, yes we did. i was so excited.

i’m buying a mustang. lol.

:lol: Who owns the unicycle?

also, thanks to ONYX Z31 for capturing it all on film. Hopefully you got me murkin in jesse’s mustang.

i can’t help but notice YOU’RE BEING A HUGE PUSSY.

glad i got you on that roof.

gtikyle i think?

i have a couple pics. i forgot i had my camera for the most part and didn’t really take any at all.

he got you zoomed in rubbing ur hands together bouncing up and down like al lil school girl

This eclipse wasn’t red was it?

so who was the asshat in the white s-10?

oh yeah…

slopoke. i think.

good job buddy.
way to be a DB.

White evo, is that caine’s car???

Or the red civic.

word. a couple people left like idiots. retard of the day award goes to jack ass in the white s-10. there were a bunch of kids playing at the next pavilion up.

if you want to fuck around in your car, it’s fine. just think before you do it. if they complained, i doubt chestnut ridge would let us use the park again.

yeah red eclipse with bent antenna and really low

uh hello where are the pictures of our failed attempts to catch a seagull?? best part of the bbq I think…

my favorite part was some random girl that i have no idea who the fuck she was look at me and say, “oh…you’re dex? …i fucking hate you!”

Haha dex…that was awesome…
seagul fishing was sweet as hell too. I was waiting for some one to get shat on.

I think my truck was so out of place…oh well…I wanted to do a hairy burnout on the way out…but I didn’t want to be “that guy”

Yeah the db in the white s10 who almost lost it…:shrug:

also almost hit the oncoming car while being an idiot.

what did the red civic do i missed that one

the fucked up part was he almost lost it the second he got on it. an intelligent person would have immediately let off the throttle. then there was another car coming, so at that point a less inteligent person who would have kept going even though they never really had it under control to begin with would have let off the throttle.

but the guy just kept going, so i have to assume he was an idiot.

thred civic was MPD47

oh lol