WNYFbody Spring cookout

Thanks to everyone who showed! Some ppl from nyspeed showed up, more the merrier and a good time by all. For those who missed it:


This was a great time for the 2nd year in a row, I look forward to next year’s cookout!

Chestnut Ridge should be re-named Burnout Ridge :tup:

Need more 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 5th gens :slight_smile:
Was a nice ride. Some nice cars there too

Here’s my pics


That one fox body was making tons of cool noise and not going particularly fast.


nice gymnastics lol

Thanks to everyone who came out and made it such a success. We had 18 cars last year, and 39 this year!!

Shit I definitely missed it. Was it posted here too?

wow! sweet turn out guys. i woulda came but was camping.

any races?

Crap I missed it. I’m glad you guys had fun. :slight_smile:

nah we kept it to eating food, hanging out and doing burnouts. However later in the evening i got mopped up by a bmw.

Not posted here, but it was a WNYFbody event open to everyone