Post Pics from 5/20 Nyspeed BBQ @ Chestnut Ridge


Yeah that was me, why werent you at the BBQ? There were a ton of modded cars on the way home, kinda odd. Ran into you, and silver evo that I thought was jeller at first, silver sti, some eclipse with a crazy bent antenna snapping pics while he was driving doh.


I wanted to go but i’ve been running around taking care of shit since I came back from hawaii.

I saw the silver evo and red eclipse too.that dude in the eclipse wasn’t being kind of a tool. I thought he was following you.

I’m def going to try and make the next meet.

p.s. your car looks hawt man.

Yeah, where you at Shrives?

Me? no…

dam i knew i should of came out!

Idioteque is so fucking out of place in that vid


Less talk, more pics


Idioteque is so fucking out of place in that vid



Meh…Probably could have found better but I just wanted a nice mellow song and it was first one I could think of. The other video is done rendering but I did not have time to upload it so expect that around 2:30 am.

Yeah i was kinda dissapointed in the few who left like assholes, that really wasnt cool one of you almost hit another car an god forbid you would have hit a child when the park spd limit is like 15mph.
BESIDES that , seagulls acquired a taste for red hot, shit on my car , sprayed newmans and adictd2boost’s . jay almost got set on fire at the end good thing he was paying some attention. I had a great time and im looking forward to the next one an trying to make that one bigger and better. And BTW nice pics guys keep them coming!!!


For real, that kid was GAY :gay3: …


Oh btw, I reused the dead baby/brick joke like 2 hours later :lol:

very good turn out, i had alot of fun! and met alot of new ppl


man who’s the asshole who put cans all over my car?

oh wait… that was the beast.

I was pointing to the can on my hood because it was a can of budweiser, and it was the strongest (of course, it was a fucking CAN of BUDWEISER)

good times on sunday, shrives you should have came out you jerk.


the best quote of the day came from that…i think newman said “Son, do you know why i pulled you over?” much laughing ensued and i believe also some piddle.

Best car was def the multi-colored buick, hands down.


the best quote of the day came from that…i think newman said “Son, do you know why i pulled you over?” much laughing ensued and i believe also some piddle.


that was me dumb ass… i’m adding you to the list of newman humpers :baby:

:frowning: I was in T.O.


that was me dumb ass… i’m adding you to the list of newman humpers :baby:


hahahhahaha pat you whore.

yea…mike… that was def. funny as hell.


Yea fuck that white S10 its only sweet when Supra’s take off quick on that road or F-Bodys! :lol:



wasnt newman one of the morons yelling BURNOUT when a few of us where leaving> or someone else? i think it was the girlie looking dude :lol:



wasnt newman one of the morons yelling BURNOUT when a few of us where leaving> or someone else? i think it was the girlie looking dude :lol:


Who Beans???:gotme:



wasnt newman one of the morons yelling BURNOUT when a few of us where leaving> or someone else? i think it was the girlie looking dude :lol:


don’t POS FWD cars all just do burnouts?

:tup: looked like a good turnout


Who Beans???:gotme:
