Post pics of your S13/S14's!

vlad that’s about 5 minutes fromwhere i live, where you there on saturday around 6 any way took some pics with new half clears tonight

yeah i was there around 6…sleepy eyes with lights ON looks sick!

thanks man

I know there are people on here with more s13’s so lets see come more pictures :R

Hot car and hot in the passenger seat.
Vlad you’ve done it up you dog :R

I’ve known of her longer than anyone here and I’m the only one that hasn’t met her :mad:

Did I mention your car is HOT?

^^^ ditto

HighcompKA for the win!

i’m not feeling that zenki lip though.

Still, dead sexy car vlad… all kgb assassins should roll in S13s

thanx cal…AHAHAHAH KGB :wink:

thanx for tha comments Patrick…i didn’t see you in tha last 2 months i think??
wtf?? LOL next week is study week for me …we have 2 arrange somethin’…
I’ll give you a call…:slight_smile:

I love your car… bigbird makes the picture a bit more…


sad that you’ll be seing it go


LMFAO… Osad you fckn rock! the first pic of you looks like you have boobz… lmao


AFTER PART 1 … still in the works

some random pics