Post Up Your Burnout / Heaters Pics & Vids!

Allso a good one

:bowdown: the king of burnouts

Awesome Shot/Pic

^ Where’s yours, in front of City Hall? I had that as my desktop for a while.

Ok the last one isn’t a burnout, but it’s BMW and tire smoke related. Soooo many others I could post, but figured those would do hahaha.

on page 1 and thats in back of city hall, i’d love to get one in niagara square

I love burnouts!! !

Post them in the more “current” heater thread:

I moved them :tup:

---------- Post added at 10:08 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:00 AM ----------

… And I’ve fixed all the embeds in here. Some of you were just missing the ‘video’ tags that’s all.

It’s chooch* not cooch, lol ass. I had Justin do it for me, I couldn’t figure the damn thing out so Fuuuuuuu, but thanks haha.

Woot I searched burnouts not heaters

Yeah let me correct the thread title :tup:

Still no heater/burnout vids/pics of a certain 300zx garage ornament :slight_smile:

Nope, lol. I have one old one from years ago in my old Z at NYIRP but that’s about it.

Any one take a vid of my rolling burnout of the whole drift track?

I did 400 footer in my car with slicks on it. That rubber was on the road for over a year. Never forget that one. Uncle says lay some rubber. I pulled out and punched it shifted 2nd and then pulled 3rd right away. The car moved like 4 feet and the tires were spinning at 150 mph. I held it at 6800 rpm, and kept the car straight until I hit a bridge and then got outta it. I have the foot print pic on my work pc.

I am pretty sure i have a video of it, though it sucks :meh:

Sucks cause I was the only one able and willing to lay rubber the whole track? Lol

---------- Post added at 09:40 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:31 PM ----------

Thank u who ever took this!

no sucks as in it was taken with like a 3mp phone camera lol

you all need to make more videos of heaters this summer. :slight_smile: